DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE: Executive orders, declassified documents and still, are we really being fed the truth?
Some of my friends told me, “Now that the Republicans are in office, you’re going to be softer on Trump than you were on Biden.”
Those were my dear blue friends. However, I’m going to tell my readers exactly what I told them.
“I’m going to be soft on the truth and hard on the lies.”
I’ve noticed over the last few years writing this column, sometimes truth and lies are hard to decipher – no matter what side of the aisle.
My topic this week was going to be an overall look at President Trump’s executive orders signed on his first day in office.
Then on social media, I began to hear about one executive order that has people buzzing.
Well, not sure if it has made the buzz to mainstream yet for those who still get information that way, but people are talking on social media and I’m wondering if this is misinformation passed around to continue to cause division in the US.
The order I’m referring to is the declassification of records about the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Sidenote here – while I’m not a fan of banning anything be it social media, news outlets or otherwise, it’s clear to me social media propaganda is just about as rampant as mainstream media lately.
I saw it during election season and I’m still seeing it – everyone pushing some agenda even if it means misinformation.
Let’s begin with the executive orders first.
To be fair, I always spoke about what I thought were Biden’s excessive over signing of these orders, but Trump beat him out on day one in the signing count.
USA Today reported Trump signed 26 executive orders, and 28 by Jan. 22 (
Biden signed nine his first day in office, and in all signed 162. During his first term, Trump signed only one order on his first day in office and 220 in his four years.
Granted, the executive orders Trump has signed up to now are heavy. They have to be, much has changed in the USA over the past four to eight years.
Regarding Trump signing these large number of executive orders on his first day – I do believe he was merely keeping his campaign promises to his voters.
Like him or not, he’s doing what he said he would do – no surprises.
And while you might be bleeding blue and scared to death of what you think Trump will do next... saying it without saying it, remember red and blue are buddies in DC in the “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” sort of way.
Both parties I’m sure participate in what is called deep state. Feel free to go down the deep state rabbit hole on your own.
My main takeaway is how many years have the constituents merely been a means to an end?
Admittedly, I’m still scratching my head as to where Trump and Vance fit into the deep state puzzle – I don’t believe these two are actually part of the club.
I do believe Trump fits in somewhere – it is politics after all – but not politics as usual.
And his team... well, anyone would be a fool not to put their people in positions of power to work alongside you.
For the American people, I think they’re getting to the point in the game where it seems it can no longer be about red or blue, hate or like, negative or positive – the USA is on a different path now.
Each person’s journey on that path will be very different depending on how they see the current administration and how they figure out how to make it work while staying alert, positive, and in support of our nation.
So, that brings me back to the declassified documents.
What I’ve been hearing about the MLK papers – and remember, each person needs to read the unclassified assassination documents for themselves and not rely on mainstream or social media to spoon feed you want they want you to hear. Remember, fear, division, racism and fighting among the people inside a country keep the people (often known as sheep) distracted enough to ignore the obvious.
Regarding the MLK Jr. papers (I don’t think the most recent declassified papers have been made public yet) this lady said she read MLK Jr. was selected by the FBI to create a narrative and was a made up character with real leanings toward the communist party.
To do research on the declassified papers from all three assassinations, visit
In this case search Martin Luther King Jr, or here Part 1 ( and Part 2 (
CBS reported, “There were allegations that the FBI was complicit in King’s assassination, too, however, so a select committee conducted its own investigation.” (
The National Archives noted the committee “recognized FBI files were potentially tainted,” but it never uncovered evidence to show any complicity by the bureau.
However, the committee “did note major deficiencies in the scope and method of the FBI’s post assassination investigation,” the archives said.
In the case of JFK, did you know there is now rumor the driver shot him?
I think this was gleaned from previously released material too.
I did listen to an audio (and of course yes, everything can be tampered with) apparently part of the files confirming a conversation the JFK assassination was a hit by Vice President Lyndon Johnson.
Again, how can we be sure anything released by our government is real since it is the same entity that runs billions of America tax dollars into a black budget for the military industrial complex.
And the same group in DC telling everyone to participate in the jab bandwagon when many of us knew better, and it’s the same people who work with lobbyists who pass out handfuls of money to assure their agendas.
And let’s not forget a few more well-known ones like weather modification patents (the government has admitted to it) or look into projects like MK Ultra, to name just one horrifying example.
Who vets the documents and the people writing the documents since these same people likely have ties to the same agencies apparently paid to do the bidding?
It is hard to know what you don’t know. Stop to consider just the many distractions already in the first three weeks of January 2025.
Fortunately, people are putting the puzzle together on this matrix at lightning speed these days.
And if you aren’t one of those people then you’re possibly watching as someone else does the work while you realize a lot of sheep have been slaughtered.
Or, there are those who don’t believe any of it since perhaps the “less than one second” of subconscious social programming injected by the mainstream really did work.
Rita Cook is a freelance writer for The Ellis County Press. She can be reached at