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DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE: AIPAC wins big in US elections – some say the real root of the current genocide is the 3 billion barrels of oil in Palestine

The real threat to our democracy lies in misinformation

How many readers agree if employees do not do their job at a company where they are hired, then they are fired?

If they lie, steal, murder and the like, in any other job the employee would be fired or arrested?

So why can’t we seem to get rid of the bad actors in Washington DC?

“We the people” hired the government, why can’t we fire them? 

Do you think the current administration from the executive branch down is doing their job or just a lot of talking?

So much for here is your termination paperwork, leave the building or security is going to escort you out. 

And then we must listen to a repeated State of the Union speech (it’s been the same speech for  three years – do your research). Is this world taking place in a universe I’m not living in because the United States is not doing okay. Just ask anyone at the grocery store or the gas pump – and that is just where to begin. 

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson pretty much stole the State of the Union last week with his facial gestures, which seemed more real than the speech itself. 

Johnson was gracious when he said, “President Briden was clearly not on his A game, and I think that is a charitable way to describe it. I thought tonight he was really emotional, I thought he shouted at the audience, I thought so much of that was unnecessary. The country needs to be united, and this commander in chief is unwilling or uncapable of doing that…” 

I will make note that my mother had dementia before she died and yelling, confusion and the like are definite signs of the debilitating disease.

Voters out there – you are aware if you don’t go vote you aren’t going to see change – well that is if you want to see change.

I guess locally in Ellis County, the majority did not want to see change since US Representative Jake Ellzey won the Republican primary last week.

Quiz – can anyone in Ellis County name what he has done? I’m sure he must be doing a great job. I personally would love to visit the border next time he goes as a Texan representing the state.

I have no idea if he’s ever made a comment on the border crisis – in all fairness he might not be on the committee that is overseeing that nightmare.

I do know in regard to Israel and that mess, Ellzey along with 80 other Texans have taken money from AIPAC, the Israeli lobbyist group (American Israel Public Affairs Committee PAC), and Americans seem to be learning quick that lobbyist money given to candidates results in a win resulting in scratch my back because it is really itching and I did give you that money.

As for Ellzey, he has taken a mere $28,246 from AIPAC.

Even Eddie Bernice Johnson took $28,700.

However, Republican Michael McCaul from Austin wins the prize – having taken $675,335. 

And that is not even scratching the surface with Robert Menendez (D-NJ), who has been given $2,500,005 according to

Indeed, you don’t have to look too far to see how AIPAC works its magic, and why the United States continues in a hot mess backing Israel with the death toll currently at around 29,000 ( for the Palestinians.

And if you don’t agree with that number, you’d better stop listening to mainstream media, because that’s where I found it. 

If you don’t agree with killing innocent people, you might reconsider your vote for Joe Joe or any politician who backs Israel since he’s given a thumbs up to the current Palestinian genocide. 

Joe Joe is the figurehead running the show (when he’s not running off for a nap) so he’s responsible, along with Congress, for sending money and weapons to aid Israel. 

Regarding AIPAC and the way that game works – let’s use an Ellzey co-sponsored bill that the house passed in November last year. It was actually sponsored by another Texas Republican, Kay Granger, who has done her share for AIPAC since they’ve given her $$405,538.

The bill is called the Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024. In short it provides FY2024 supplemental appropriations to the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Department of State for activities to respond to the attacks in Israel. 

The bill designates the funding as emergency spending, which is exempt from discretionary spending limits – notice the last five word beginning EXEMPT… read between the lines. 

It provides appropriations to DOD for operation and maintenance; procurement; and research, development, test and evaluation. 

The funding is provided for purposes such as replacing defense articles that were provided to Israel, reimbursing DOD for defense services and training provided to Israel, procuring Israel’s Iron Dome and David’s Sling defense systems, and developing Israel’s Iron Beam defense system.

At the end,  they added this on: “the bill rescinds specified unobligated funds that were provided for activities of the Internal Revenue Service.”

I was really thinking it was great news when on March 8, I learned there were 51 members of Congress – eight members of the U.S. Senate (five Democrats, two Republicans and one Independent) and 43 members of the U.S. House who announced they would not seek re-election in 2024. 

Unfortunately, 12 of the 43 (three Republicans and nine Democrats) are running for U.S. Senate, so we might not be rid of them just yet. 

Two (one Democrat and one Republican) are running for state attorney general, Two (one Democrat and one Republican) are running for governor, one Democrat is running for US President and 26 (11 Democrats and 15 Republicans) are retiring, I did not even know politicians knew how to retire – it is not very lucrative.

This November would be a good time for voters to get some new blood in office. You know, blood that’s not attached to the lobbyist groups who are quite possibly the real ones running the United States.

I guess all these AIPAC sponsored politicians are okay with the fact that a US real estate company ( held five real estate sales in the US and Canada this past week selling property in the West Bank (yes, the part of Palestine that has nothing to do with Hamas – so what are we killing them for) and the sales are going on while the people are still living in their homes.

How would you feel if that were happening to your home and someone in another country bought it and booted you out or killed you? A vote for an AIPAC candidate – well, from what I can tell – first we hate one group, then we hate another and then we hate you! No one is immune from tyranny when a government goes wild.

Did you know the US is taking part in building a temporary port on Gaza’s Mediterranean coast to “receive humanitarian aid by sea,” according to

What playbook is this from: Create a problem, blame someone else, act like you are saving the day by swooping in and fixing the problem you created? 

The US is also sending 1,000 of our military to get this fancy little temporary port up and running. 

Those in the know however, are already aware this translates into “stealing the Gazans gas.” Did you know they had gas? 

In addition to offshore resources discovered off the Gaza coast, it’s estimated that more than 1.5 billion barrels of oil lie beneath the occupied West Bank, while another report puts that number at three billion barrels (,the%20gas%20potential%20in%20Palestine).

Does it not seem that every time the US decides to get involved in a war it has to do with gas and money and greed? Is this going to start making sense anytime soon?

After all, if we’re funding the current genocide and believe at the same time we should be feeding those we are killing, why don’t we just stop killing them and/or demand Israel open the roads to let humanitarian aid in that way. Nope, instead we’re building a port at our expense and sending our troops (and oil and gas has nothing to do with it – wink wink).


Rita Cook is a freelance writer for The Ellis County Press. She can be reached at

Ellis County Press

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