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DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE: AIPAC, Trojan Horses, and the Texas National Guard taking over at the border

The real threat to our democracy lies in misinformation

I was recently discussing my “Down the Rabbit Hole” column with some people I consider to be very savvy when it comes to the ride we are taking here in the US with our government and the continual pounding of one thing after another. 

They didn’t know much about a bill signed in December 2012, by Obama. 

It was HR 4310 – the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act where section 1078 of the bill authorized the use of propaganda inside the U.S. 

Just for those who do not know, propaganda had been banned in the US since 1948 when the Smith-Mundt Act was passed.



Keep the truth in mind when you watch the reporting of the news no matter the side of the aisle it is leaning toward.

Remember the news media is owned by the same money people and they know the news to pump out to the liberal versus the conservatives – different enough to keep the fear and anger at a steady, yet dangerous roar.

Did everyone know we recently bombed Yemen. 

And yes, I am sure there are plenty of reasons why the US powers that be justified the strike. 

But how many wars do you think the United States of America can be in before enough is enough?

Here is one for you, have you heard of AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee)? 

Described as a bipartisan, pro-Israel political action committee, it is the largest pro-Israel PAC in America. Influencers with lots of money. 

Did you know the USA committed over $3.3 billion in foreign assistance to Israel in 2022? 

I do not care what plan your on for the love or hate of Hamas and Israel, tell me should $8.8 million of our money be sent to Israel for its economy and 99.7% of the aid we send is being used for Israel’s military. 

That was the number from US JusticeDefense&gclid=Cj0KCQiA1rSsBhDHARIsANB4EJb9Dl4efOxaNpbZ55sv0_781wQOUNGD1HCLq5KDelEIpxDVHeb9MsQaAjXqEALw_wcB.

At their website, AIPAC brags they had a 98% success rate of putting their US backed politicians into office in 2023 –



While we are at it, did anyone hear about the tunnel discovered in New York City last week under a synagogue. 

Apparently, it was quite shocking, and while I don’t really believe anyone anymore unless I see it myself, the New York City Police in Brooklyn had something to say about what was going on in the passageways discovered beneath the synagogue of the Chabad Lubavitch headquarters in New York. 

Do a little research and find your answers, and hint-hint, do not bother to look for the truth in mainstream media, dig deeper.

Oh yes, the illegal immigration situation in the US – have we had enough of that yet? 

It’s election year – many people are saying what better way to get new voters –  and they don’t even have to be citizens of the United States to vote.

I am not saying that is happening or not, but there is a lot to this border crisis that is definitely being missed. 

We have heard about the cartels, learned about human and child trafficking as being a real thing and not a conspiracy theory.

And then there are the elections – and people saying illegals are here to help sway the vote while also working illegally and living free in housing – while our own veterans and homeless are living on the streets. 

Have Americans had enough yet? I do believe when Americans have had enough (and they are getting close) the storm is not going to be pretty. 

And for all the politicians and lobbyists and celebrities and athletes and Bill Gates types, I have a strong suspicion you are going to be paying for your playing.



And the State of Texas has finally taken it upon itself (like states have the right to do according to the Constitution), and the Texas National Guard is now coming in to save the day at the border since Mayorkas’ Federal Border Patrol Agents were not able to do it (likely because they were not being allowed).

Amendment 10 of the United States Constitution, which was ratified in December 1791, is clear – powers that are not specifically given to the federal government, nor withheld from the states, are reserved to those respective states, or to the people at large.

People at large – that would be US citizens – and not illegal immigrants and not politicians who work for US citizens.



It was for me. When is Mayorkas being impeached anyway?

I thought that was going on now, but I have lost track because there have been so many distractions.

I will not miss his smirk.

Actually I won’t miss any of the smirking and gaslighting from the people in the congressional hearings who are realizing you’ve got to pay to play (the Epstein listers are getting a dose of that reality too, we will see if anyone on the list actually has to do any jail time).

All I can say is that every time someone gets away with an insidious crime (like we see too often these days with the people who “have the right connections”) that is definitely fuel for every attorney in America to use when they begin to ask loud and often, “why did that person get away with trafficking, lying, gaslighting, stealing, and the list goes on” and not my client?



By letting in the Trojan Horse. And if you do not know what that is, you can thank the Rockefeller Educational System put in place in the 1920s.

Yes, so long ago no one is left to remember the way history was written before it began to be changed. 

I challenge you to look up some facts from the pre-Rockefeller Educational System infiltration and see just how history has been altered. 

And while you are at it, look up Trojan Horse if you do not know what it is yet. 

I will give you a hint, welcoming the enemy inside the gates of the city so they can destroy you from within.

And finally, something to consider before I say goodbye for the week. 

Why are Americans forced to pay taxes on their wages and then forced to pay sales tax to spend their own money on which they were already taxed? 

And why are Americans forced to pay income tax on money they have already been taxed on by their employer and, why are they forced to pay property tax after they already paid a sales tax on said property?


Rita Cook is a freelance writer for The Ellis County Press. She can be reached at

Ellis County Press

208 S Central St. 
Ferris, TX 75125