Ferris doctor tested positive for COVID-19
FERRIS – On April 9, the City of Ferris was made aware of a healthcare provider, John Arkusinski, D.O., tested positive for COVID-19 at the Ferris Family Medicine at 207 W. 5th St.
FERRIS – On April 9, the City of Ferris was made aware of a healthcare provider, John Arkusinski, D.O., tested positive for COVID-19 at the Ferris Family Medicine at 207 W. 5th St.
FERRIS – If you haven’t been watching ECP-TV’s latest shows at both our Facebook page as well as the ECP-TV YouTube Channel, be sure and see what we have going on there.
FERRIS – Ferris’ Brick cards went out this week, and residents and businesses around the city should be receiving the $35 cards any day.
WAXAHACHIE – The Ellis County Local Health Authority has confirmed six additional cases of COVID-19 in Ellis County.
WAXAHACHIE – Even though most residents in Ellis and Dallas County are aware the May citywide elections for city council and independent school district seats have been moved to November, it was no
208 S Central St.
Ferris, TX 75125