Ferris ISD secures highly competitive electricity rates
FERRIS – At their Dec. 17 board meeting, Ferris ISD approved a contract with Education Energy Initiative, a company that works to provide energy solutions for schools that benefit the entire community.
The partnership will secure highly competitive rates for residential electricity for qualifying employees and residents who live within the school district boundaries while generating donations to Ferris ISD’s education foundation.
“Ferris ISD’s partnership with Education Energy Initiative is an investment into our community,” said Ferris ISD Superintendent Hector Madrigal.
“The Afinity Program will benefit participating community members through highly competitive electricity rates.
“In addition, our partnership with Education Energy Initiative will strengthen our schools by raising funds for our education foundation.”
The Ferris ISD Board voted to fully bundle an energy contract with Education Energy Initiative to stabilize electricity prices without hidden costs to the community through the Afinity Program.
Ferris ISD qualifying employees and residents living within the school district boundaries will be eligible to participate in the Afinity Program.
In addition to reducing costs for community members, the Afinity Program will raise funds to support public education.
For every participant that signs up, Ferris ISD will receive a $50 donation to their foundation from Education Energy Initiative. On average, participants in the Afinity Program will see cost-savings of around $250 per year based on average usage at the average current electrical rate.
Participants will be able to sign up on the Education Energy Initiative website.
Energy afordability remains a major challenge confronting Texas communities.
About four in ten low- to moderate-income Texas households said their energy bills were unafordable according to research from the Texas Energy Poverty Research Institute.
Education Energy Initiative, LLC works to provide energy solutions for schools and school districts. By leveraging private funds to support public education, Education Energy Initiative offers programs and partnerships to benefit students, families and school communities.