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LEGAL NOTICE: Citation By Publication to all persons interested in the Estate of Lee A. Dekrey

Publish one time in The  Ellis County Press on Thursday, March 12, 2020.


Application for Independent Administration and Letters of Administration Pursuant to Section 401.003 of the Texas Estates Code 

The State of Texas 

To all persons interested in the Estate of 

Lee A Dekrey 


In the Ellis County Court at Law No. 1 

The alleged heir(s) at law in the above-numbered and entitled estate filed a Application for Independent Administration and Letters of Administration Pursuant to Section 401.003 of the Texas Estates Code in this estate on the 4th day of March, 2020, requesting that the Court detennine who are the heirs and only heirs of Lee A Dekrey, Deceased, and their respective share and interests in such estate. 

This Application may be acted on by the Court at any call of the docket on or after 10:00 a.m. on the first Monday following the expiration of ten days from date of publication of this citation. 

All persons interested in this case are cited to appear before this Honorable Court by filing a written contest or answer to this Application should they desire to do so. 

To ensure its consideration, you or your attorney must file any objection, intervention, or response in writing with the County Clerk of Ellis County, Texas on or before the above-noted date and time. 

If this citation is not served within 90 days after date of its issuance, it shall be returned unserved. 

Given under my hand and the seal of the Probate Court of Ellis County, Texas at the office of the Ellis County Clerk in Waxahachie, Texas, on the 5 March 2020. 

SEAL Krystal Valdez 

Clerk of the County Court 

at Law #1 

Ellis County, Texas 

By; Haley Watson, Deputy Clerk

Ellis County Press

208 S Central St. 
Ferris, TX 75125