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GOD’S GRACE MINISTRIES: Is Christ truly at the heart of Christmas?

Christmas – what are we really celebrating?

Is Christ truly at the heart of Christmas?

In this article we will review chronological dates to develop an understanding of the truth regarding Dec. 25:

274 AD: The religion of Rome at that time was the cult of Sol Invictus, the worship of the sun god Sol. Sol Invictus originated around 100 AD in Syria, 174 years later established as the religion of Rome by Roman Emperor Aurelian in 274 AD. Sol Invictus was celebrated annually on Dec. 25, also the winter solstice. This was done 62 years before Dec. 25 was accepted as the birth date of Christ.

312 AD: Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Catholicism being the first Roman Catholic Emperor.

313 AD: Constantine issued the Edict of Milan establishing religious tolerance for Christianity in Rome.

321 AD: Constantine declared Sunday the day of rest in the Roman Empire, calling it the Venerable Day of the Sun (sun-day). This opposed the Word of God concerning the Sabbath, the day of rest, Exodus 20:8-11.

323 AD: Catholicism became the official religion of Rome under the rule of Constantine.

325 AD: The council of Nicaea, Constantine and the Catholic Church debated the fundamentals of the church. 

336 AD: December 25 was accepted as the birth date of Christ, but the date was not confirmed, just accepted. As a result conflict broke out between the Sol worshipers and the Catholic Church. It is said Constantine implemented a political ploy to bring peace into Rome by combining the two religions. Dec. 25 was accepted by both to celebrate Sol Invictus and the birth date of Christ. 

1026 AD: Christmas is an English translation of Latin Cristesmaesse being a Roman Catholic term for Christ Mass. Christ Mass was introduced by the Roman Catholic Church in 1026 AD, 491 years prior to the establishment of the Protestant faith. The Protestant faith began on Oct. 31, 1517 when Martin Luther posted the Ninety-Five Theses on the door of the “All Saints” church in Wittenberg Germany.

Now, this brings to the 21st century. Below are facts that point out how Christmas is celebrated today:

SANTA CLAUS: An imaginary over weight character wearing a red suit riding in a sleigh pulled by the flying reindeer delivering gifts to 2.3 billion houses worldwide on Dec. 24-25 each year.  

FLYING REINDEER: pulling a red and yellow sleigh around the world stopping at 2.3 billion houses in one night on Dec. 24-25 each year.

ELVES: Small people with pointed ears that work for Santa at the North Pole manufacturing gifts (toys) for children worldwide. These gifts are free, but not really and let’s not forget the toy soldiers.

SANTA’S NORTH POLE: is an imaginary place where toys are manufactured year round. The manufacturing of these toys must be complete by Dec. 24 so the toys can be delivered to everyone participating all around the world. Has the North Pole where Santa resides ever been located?

SECRECY: on Christmas Eve, children must be in bed before Santa arrives, no one has ever seen Santa Clause in their home on Christmas Eve. This secrecy gives people and parent’s opportunity to place gifts under a green tree located in their house. Let us not forget about the cookies and milk left for Santa. Considering the cookies and milk left for Santa in 2.3 billion homes, we can understand why Santa is fat.

CHIMNEY: Santa Clause is renowned for entering a home by way of a chimney flue. A chimney flue ranges in size from 8”x8” to 12”x12”, so how does an overweight man slide down a chimney flue? We must also consider houses without a chimney? 

EVERGREEN CHRISTMAS TREES: An Egyptian/Chinese tradition symbolizing eternal life. 

MARKETING STRATEGY/FINANCIAL EXPLOITS: Christmas is nothing but a money making season; money making ventures for manufacturers and retail outlets, selling their products at extravagant prices. The Christmas season is a time when people go in debt; paying for that debt the following year or just go broke spending money while retail outlets collect high profits. Let’s not forget Black Friday profits.  

In this we are teaching our children to believe a lie?

What has the above to do with the birth of Christ; they are pagan celebrations and in all of these things we cannot find Christ in Christmas.

Let us learn, understand and celebrate the birth of Christ on his date of birth, Nissan 7 (Jewish Calendar), March 23, 3 BC, also the Spring Equinox.

A ten page study on the Birth and Life of Yeshua is available upon request. Email your request along with a return email to and ask for the Birth and Life of Yeshua.

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