Social Security – care and beware
Americans should be able to draw 100% of their social security benefits at age 65 – but they can’t. 1983 began a gradual age increase from 65 to 67 which
Americans should be able to draw 100% of their social security benefits at age 65 – but they can’t. 1983 began a gradual age increase from 65 to 67 which
The U.S. Government debt, over $22 Trillion is a sum most cannot grasp. News coverage about deficits while still borrowing money is difficult for most to understand.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is getting set to finalize a regulation modifying the 2015 rule from the Obama administration, Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, that conditioned $3.3 billion of annual community development block grants on rezoning local municipalities along income and racial guidelines.
Social media is just like mom’s apple pie, it’s not good to eat a whole pie every day.
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Ferris, TX 75125