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It’s time to return to God (Yahweh) – Part 2

Continued from last week –

Abortion, homosexuality, same sex marriage, adultery, fornications, drunkenness, murder, lies, revelry, believing lies, rejection of truth, rejecting God, rejecting Yeshua, following the ways of evil.

Let us also understand man has no right to override God, the Supreme Court has no authority to create laws of immoral turpitude. It is written in Acts 5:29, “We ought to obey God rather than man.” Even when men pass laws of immoral turpitude, we must obey God; man’s laws do not supersede God’s laws.

Through history many changes have been made by men of the things God established.

Man has departed from the truth, from the Word of God and has adhered to the changes religious men have made being contrary to God.

Consider the heretic event changing the Sabbath Day from the seventh day to the first day of the week. This change was made by the Roman Catholic Church and the Roman Emperor Constantine on Mar. 7, 321 AD. Who is man to alter God’s commandment?

Sunday literally means day of the sun or the day of worshiping the sun, the Roman Empire called it the venerable day of the sun; that all judges and city people and the craftsmen shall rest upon the venerable day of the SUN. This clearly mocks God.

Romans worshiped the sun, not the Son. It is written as God COMMANDED, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God.” The seventh day is what is called Saturday on the Julian calendar. In Hebrew they number the days as the first day of the week, 2nd, day and so on, the days do not have names as on the Julian/ Roman calendar. Know this also, July was named after Julius Caesar, as well as Saturday named after the Roman god Saturn. It is time to return to the Sabbath, the 7th day as God commanded.

Consider the name of the Son of God, the name given to him by God is Yeshua Hamashiach, meaning Savior–Anointed One conferred on Yeshua by God the Father for mankind’s recognition, eternally.

During the time of the Apostles and during the time the Book of Acts the name Jesus was not known nor even heard of, Jesus is an English translation translated from the Greek, to Latin then to English in the 1500’s as Iesus, J was not used at that time. This is not to say we reject the name of Jesus being an English translation, it is saying return to the truth; the name of the Son of God is Yeshua Hamashiach given to him by God the Father through the Angel Gabriel. All the mighty works of God were done in the name of Yeshua.

Changing God is a serious matter, any changes made to the Word of God by men in those things having been established by God are changes made contrary to God and challenging God’s authority through arrogance. Sound familiar, the same thing happened in the Garden of Eden. It is time to obey God in truth, and stop following the doctrines of men leading many astray from the truth of the Word of God. God established his word for a reason, and is not to be altered, changed or ignored by man.

It is time to repent of sin, turn from sin and know God; repenting is not inviting Jesus into our heart, this is not now nor has it ever been in the scriptures. When we sincerely repent with the intent to turn from sin the Lord forgives our sin and will enter our soul, it is not an invitation that brings God into our being, it is repentance that brings God into man. Repentance is confessing our sin before God, asking God’s forgiveness for those sins, turning from sin and not visiting those sins again.

The Lord said, “If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people, and if my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2nd Chronicles 7:13-14).

When are we going to learn, when will we realize we bring catastrophe and judgment upon ourselves because of what we do, because of the sins we commit without repentance, because of man’s wicked and evil ways refusing to return to God rather choosing to serve sin.

Let us return to God according to God’s Word with all sincerity; repent and turn from sin; love God with all that is in us; obey the Word of God; be faithful to God always; love your neighbor as yourself; worship the Lord in Spirit and Truth; submit to the Lord in all things; call the Son of God by his given name Yeshua; abstain from sins of the flesh; husbands love your wives; wives submit to your own husbands as unto the Lord; children honor and obey your parents; and do not mock God.


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